Catatan Si Boss

for anyone who is struggling

It’s hard. To be happy when there is nothing but darkness. To be surrounded and feel absolutely alone. To sit and think in your room until 5 in the morning because your mind won’t stop overthinking all of your regrets, choices, future choices, or how others think of you or how you don’t know if you can stay. And as much as I want to say that it won’t always be like that I can’t promise it. Because although it does get better it comes and goes in waves. But that’s life. You’re gonna have fun and then cry. You’re gonna feel like everything is going right to everything going wrong. But that’s not a reason to give up. Because even if you aren’t feeling strong now your future happier self will. Your future self will be proud that you over came everything. Because you are put on that path for a reason. You are here for a reason . You are valuable and loved. Even if it’s not the way your wanting. Because it may be what you need. Feel what you feel and push through. Because you will thank yourself in the end. You are loved. I used to think the world would be better with me in it until I realized it wasn’t. So although it’s been hard and I had a time when I didn’t want to see it through. The me now is so happy that I stayed. I promise you it’s not the end however old or young you are.

it is just the beginning.

don’t chase happiness, be antifragile my friend

Antifragility is resilience 2.0
Antifragility is the idea of putting pressure on a system, or human, the system or human actually grows bigger and stronger. Antifragile systems are all around us. One example of this is our muscular system. We go to the gym to lift weights. By doing so we are putting pressure on our system to help it grow stronger. The human body is an antifragile system

From a psychological perspective, antifragility comes in the form of PTG, or post-traumatic growth. After we experience a stressful event, we learn and grow to become more resilient.

Pursue happiness indirectly via SPIRE:
Spiritual – Finding sense of meaning and purpose in life, Allah SWT
Physical – Eliminate stress from your life – lack of recovery
Intellectual – Deeply engaging with material – books, art, nature, etc…
Relational – Quality of relationships and time spent together – your family
Emotional – Embrace painful emotions & practise gratitude

Happiness is wholebeing –
practising SPIRE above Happiness is a lifelong journey

courtesy of youtube channel BIG THINK, with Tal Ben-Shahar

Finally Copped



​Always be kind people..  try your best to always be kind to people… love them.. understand them even if it seems trivial… Everyone is just.. running towards something hoping things will change… whatever it may be.. always be kind.


Loneliness is such a killer..

whether you’re a billionaire in a penthouse…

…or homeless in the cold


“i slept and dreamt that life was joy.

i awoke and saw that life was service.

i acted and behold….. service was joy.”

rabindranath tagore

unsung hero


“there is a hope in the darkness, for all things will be made new”


there is no pack that the lone wolf will call his own, for the strength of the lone wolf is his and his alone. from the shadows to moonlight he climbs upon high rock, for he shan’t call upon no one to help, nor on heaven’s and hell’s door he shall knock. from upon high rock, he deems an enemy everything in his sight, for the only companion of the lone wolf is the silence of the night. there is no howl heard from lone wolf, by silence he wishes to be embraced. and the shadowy path is all he sees. for he knows that it is his fate. and from high rock he climbs down. to the shadowy path he walks on his own, for the strength of the lone wolf is his and his alone.